Become an indoor gardener

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Become an indoor gardener

In these strange times many have found solace in their gardens but tending to greenery has not only been the preserve of those with generous outside spaces.

Indoor gardening has apparently seen as big a boom as its outdoor equivalent.

For the one in eight of those in the UK who don’t have a garden, as well as those confined to spending more time in the house, indoor garden corners have become places to unwind, de-stress and decompress.

“The indoor plant market has seen growth year on year over the last five years. Lockdown merely accelerated this increasing obsession with houseplants,” says Ian Drummond, director of Indoor Garden Design.

Ian specialises in creative projects and is passionate about finding new ways to use plants around the home.

He has created indoor gardens for the BAFTAs, Fashion Week and Elton John.

“We turn to plants when we’re stressed so it’s hardly surprising stocks of monstera deliciosa and howea forsteriana were selling out fast, as we hurriedly looked to ‘breathe life’ into our homes and remote workspaces.

“Houseplants bring us closer to nature, give us an outlet for creative expression and improve our well-being.”

He adds: “If you’re furloughed, caring for indoor greenery keeps you busy and witnessing nature’s resilience gives us hope.”

Top tips for creating an indoor garden:

*Before you shop, decide where to create your garden within the home.

*If you have recently carried out an extension or remodelled your property, maybe this could be a completely new space.

*Assess the light, humidity and heat levels in that area and decide how big you want the plant to be.

*Then, whether buying online or in-store, make sure you read up on the plant you are choosing and ensure it is suitable.

*There are many places that offer excellent advice, including the Royal Horticultural Society.

*Jade plants and aloe are popular because they are easy to look after; philodendron is another option for those seeking a good splash of green and not too much work.

*Rubber plants and spider plants are also firm favourites – spider plants create babies which can, of course, be repotted to grow on their own.

*For those seeking something interesting to cascade down from a shelf or a planter, senecio rowleyanus (or string of pearls) is an attractive choice, or quadricolour will bring some different shades.

*And if you want something that will offer you an even brighter splash of colour, why not try an African violet or a clivia?

*Follow the instructions for your plants and there is no reason why they should not thrive.