Furnishing, styling and decorating a holiday home

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Furnishing, styling and decorating a holiday home

As summer approaches some homeowners might be preparing their homes for holiday letting.

These properties might have already had extension, renovation or building work carried out on them and are now ready for the finishing touches.

Here are a few top tips for those about to look into furnishing, styling or decorating a holiday home:


Clear surfaces, shelves, drawers and cupboards.

Everything you leave should add to the appearance of the place or be of practical use.

Most holidaymakers won’t be interested in your personal items so remove family memorabilia.

Photos, paintings and ornaments should be of general interest and blend with your overall look – these can tie in with the surrounding area and local history


Mix and match items to enhance character and add interest to the property.

Think about which styles work well together and within the fabric of the home.

Try second-hand and antiques’ shops but don’t be tempted to trade quality for cost– remember your furniture needs to be durable.

Consider flexibility – do you want zip and link beds, for example, or other pieces that can be reconfigured for different groups?

Ensure soft seating and beds are comfortable and comply to all regulations.

Consider a sofa with removable, washable covers.

Ensure your guests will have adequate storage.

Soft furnishings and bedding

It might be tempting to buy light-coloured cushions and throws etc but they will need more frequent cleaning.

Don’t stint on soft furnishings as they can bring the look of a room together.

Cushions, throws and rugs can be changed with the season to bring a different feel and level of cosiness.

Choose quality bedding – your guests require a good night’s sleep.

Colour schemes

Resist the temptation to bring in too many colours, patterns and textures.

Opt for neutral tones and bring in accents of colour.

If you wish to work to a country or coastal theme, try to keep it subtle.

Children and pets

Make sure there are bedrooms suitable for children and that your property is well-equipped with games.

If dogs are welcome, then a basket, cushion and other accessories will go down well.

Outside spaces

These are a key part of your holiday home – so make sure they are adequately finished.

Your guests will require an area for sitting out, dining and possibly barbecuing.

Furnish it properly, consider lighting and perhaps look into supplying a fire pit.